Haiti: Time for Clinton and Co to Pack and Go

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. This is not the first time the United States has occupied Haiti and been evicted from it. There is no other choice for the Clintons but to leave Haiti, together with their international cohort of parasites, including MINUSTAH, the NGOs and USAID. (English | French | German)

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Haiti’s Human Rights Organizations Say No to Dictatorship | Les Organisations Haïtiennes de Défense des Droits Humains disent non à la gouvernance par décret

By Staff, AHP | Commentary and translation by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery. Thirteen human rights organizations have signed a memorandum to reject neo-dictatorship in Haiti after Michel Martelly declared that, if there could not be local elections in Haiti by January 12, 2015, he would rule by decree. (English | French)

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Bataille pour l’Île-à-Vache: Interview avec Jérôme Genest de KOPI

Interview de Dady Chéry avec Jérôme Genest, Haiti Chery. Le Konbit Peyizan Ilavach (KOPI) est à l’avant-garde d’une lutte entre la branche exécutive d’Haiti et les habitants de l’Île-à-Vache, une île agricole de 52 kilometres carrés et 20,000 habitants au sud du pays.

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Quel genre de tourisme serait durable pour l’Ile à Vache, d’Haiti? Interview avec Melinda Wilson

Interview de Dady Chery avec Melinda Wilson, Haiti Chery. Nous avons examiné de plus près le tourisme à l’île a Vache avec l’auteur and conferenciere primée Québéquoise, Melinda Wilson. Mme Wilson est une experte sur les aspects biologiques et ornementales de l’horticulture et une voyageuse soucieuse de l’environnement qui connaît tres bien l’Ile à Vache.

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Haiti’s Peasants Fight Land Grab of Offshore Islands for Ecotourism | Les paysans d’Haïti luttent contre l’usurpation des îles du pays pour l’écotourisme

Sources: Haiti Chery | Radyo VKM | AlterPresse | Caribbean Journal. Reported and translated by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery. Haitian farmers, on the unspoiled offshore 20-square-mile island Ile a Vache, object to the appropriation of their lands by the government to dredge a port, build an airport, golf course, roads, manicured villages and sustainable farms for ecotourism. (English | French)

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Haiti-Dominican Republic Conflict: IACHR Commission Says DR Court Ruling Is Discriminatory | Haïti-RD: La sentence TC168.13 du Tribunal Constitutionnel a des effets discriminatoires, soutient la CIDH

By AlterPresse | Haiti Chery. Translated by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery. Dominican Constitutional Court Ruling TC168.13 is discriminatory and violates the rights of Dominicans of Haitian descent, according to Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR, CIDH). (English | French)

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Le génie de Chavez: Par Fidel Castro | La genialidad de Chávez: Por Fidel Castro

Par Fidel Castro | Cuba Debate, Haiti Chery. “Moi qui ai abordé bien souvent des problèmes difficiles dans de longs discours… j’ai du mal à m’expliquer comment ce militaire d’origine modeste, mais à l’esprit agile et au talent sans pareil, a été capable d’un tel déploiement d’éloquence sans perdre la voix ni ses forces.” (Français | Espagnol)

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Un poème par René Depestre: ‘La révolution sans fétiches’

Par René Depestre, du receuil En Etat de Poésie (Les Editeurs Réunis Francais, Paris, 1980) | Haiti Chery. Il y a ceux qui crient sur tous les toits / Vive la Révolution! / derrière ce cri se cache parfois le voeu / secret que la révolution se casse une jambe….

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Sabotage Leaves Cap Haitien Without Municipal Water | Haïti-Eau potable : Rareté au Cap Haïtien, le système saboté

By Wedlyne Jacques, AlterPresse | Translation by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. No water from the taps of Cap Haitien residents since early 2012. And they must walk several kilometers to reach a source of water. Some people report that they wake up as early as 2:00 to 5:00 am to queue for half a day to buy water that is not even fit for drinking. (English | French)

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Anti-US Protests Spread Throughout Muslim World | Les manifestations anti américaines se propagent à tous les pays du monde musulman

By Alex Lantier, WSWS. Protests that began one week ago at US embassies in Egypt and Libya are rapidly spreading throughout the Muslim world. The protests reflect broad popular opposition to Washington’s wars, its violation of elementary democratic rights in the conduct of the “war on terror,” and its exploitation of the region as a source of cheap labor. (English | French)

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Let Them Eat Sand | Un sucre mêlé au sable vendu sur le marché dominicain

By Staff, AHP | Translation by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The Dominican National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (Proconsumidor) has sounded the alarm against consuming “Canaria” sugar imported from Brazil into the Dominican Republic (DR) by Casa SRL Chepe: a product marketed for two months in the DR and Haiti. (English | French)

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In the Heart of Hurricane Alley, Cubans Are Safe | Au cœur du passage des ouragans | En la autopista de los ciclones tropicales

By Patricia Grogg, IPS. Cuba’s national disaster prevention system has made it the country with the lowest number of storm-related fatalities in the area encompassing the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (English | French | Spanish)

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Disaster Capitalism Brazilian Style in Haiti

By Yvon Janvier, Le Matin | Translated by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Brazilian company Construtora OAS Ltd unilaterally stopped ongoing work on 43 miles of National Road 7 in southern Haiti and abruptly cut short its contracts with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Interamerican Development Bank (IDB).

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Soaring Food Prices in Haiti | Flambée du prix des produits de première nécessité sur le marché haïtien

By Ricardo Pierre Placide, Le Matin | Translation by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Over the past several months, Haitian households have faced an unprecedented 40% increase on average in the prices of essential commodities such as eggs, rice, sugar, and flour. (English | French).

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