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Dilma Rousseff, do Brasil: Não Golpe, e sim Reparação por causa de Corrupção Sistêmica

Por Dady Chery e Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery Traduzido por Murilo Leme Em votação pública aberta, a câmara baixa do Brasil votou esmagadoramente em 17 de abril de 2016 pelo impeachment de Dilma Rousseff. Os votos, 367 favoráveis a impeachment, em contraste com 137 … Continue reading →

Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff: Not a Coup but Payback for Systemic Corruption

By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery In a public open vote, Brazil’s lower house voted overwhelmingly on April 17, 2016 to impeach President Dilma Rousseff. The tally of 367 for impeachment, as opposed to 137 against and 7 … Continue reading →

Cuba: Détente ou Trama Imperial da Doutrina Monroe?

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Traduzido por Murilo Leme Embora a Revolução Cubana tenha 57 anos de idade e seja usualmente responsabilizada pelo isolamento de Cuba, já se passaram 88 anos desde a última visita à ilha de chefe de estado … Continue reading →

Cuba: Détente or Monroe Doctrine Imperial Plot?

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Although the Cuban Revolution is 57 years old and is usually blamed for Cuba’s isolation, it has been 88 years since the last visit to the island by a US head of state. United States … Continue reading →

Fidel Castro Answers Obama’s Speech

Brother Obama We don’t need the empire to give us anything. Our efforts will be legal and peaceful, because our commitment is to peace and fraternity among all human beings who live on this planet. By Fidel Castro Ruz Haiti Chery … Continue reading →

Fidel Castro da su respuesta al discurso de Obama

El Hermano Obama No necesitamos que el imperio nos regale nada. Nuestros esfuerzos serán legales y pacíficos, porque es nuestro compromiso con la paz y la fraternidad de todos los seres humanos que vivimos en este planeta. Por Fidel Castro … Continue reading →

Haiti’s Parliament of Owls Hatches Jocelerme Privert as Interim President

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Some things are better done under cover of night. This appears to be when Jocelerme Privert functions best. At 3:43 a.m. on Sunday, February 14, 2016, Mr. Privert got decked in a red-and-blue sash and was … Continue reading →

Haiti’s G-8 Denounces ‘Martelly-Parliament Deal’

Press release done in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on February 6, 2016 for the G-8 by Samuel Madistin Haiti Chery Translated from the French by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery The G-8 condemns the anti-popular and anti-democratic character of the alleged agreement between President Michel Martelly and some … Continue reading →

Haïti élections: Désinformation et propagande

Par Dady Chery Haïti Chery La lutte pour Haïti est pleinement en vigueur. Depuis que les Haïtiens ont contrecarré les élections frauduleuses et ont commencé à faire leurs propres projets, l’occupation étrangère est devenue désespérée pour concocter une solution pseudo-haïtienne à … Continue reading →

Disinformation & Propaganda 101: Haiti Elections

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery The fight for Haiti is on. Since Haitians scuttled the fraudulent elections and started to make their own plans, the foreign occupation has become desperate to concoct a pseudo-Haitian solution to the electoral impasse. A disinformation campaign from mainstream … Continue reading →

Aid-Money Laundering as an NGO Racket

Dady Chery Haiti Chery It took the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti to expose the rot in the world’s charities. Well-meaning people and their governments donated about $12 billion dollars of emergency aid, virtually none of which reached individual … Continue reading →

The Fake Left

By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery All writers with a desire to rattle people out of their torpor occasionally wonder if it is worthwhile to continue to try to raise their voices over the din of lies and … Continue reading →

Cholera in Haiti and Africa: The Peacekeepers’ Footprint

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Like the plantain weed, Plantago major, which so reliably matched the movements of European settlers through North America that it became known as “the white man’s footprint,” the cholera epidemics of the last 15 years … Continue reading →

Principal Exportação do Haiti: Novos Escravos do Brasil

Por Dady Chery Haiti Chery Traduzido por Murilo Leme É legado do colonialismo seus sistemas econômicos predatórios durarem mais do que as declarações de independência de suas vítimas. E assim hoje, paradoxalmente, a escravidão continua sendo a principal exportação do … Continue reading →