HomeBy Dady CheryNicaraguan Youth Reclaim Their Country

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery
Video Courtesy of Tortilla con Sal, You Tube

Nicaragua and Haiti were simultaneously occupied by racist U.S. marines during the late-1920’s to mid-1930’s. In Nicaragua, Augusto Sandino became the symbol of resistance against the occupation, and in Haiti it was Charlemagne Peralte.

Although the invasions were formally repelled, in each place the U.S. left behind an unpatriotic foreign-trained army that also had to be dislodged: a task that took longer to achieve.

The Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN) had to fight a civil war against mercenaries financed by shady U.S. deals, like the Iran-Contra affair that involved the sale of weapons to Iran during an arms embargo to raise money for the Nicaraguan Contras. In Haiti, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide tried to disband the army by decree and was removed in a coup. The struggle continues as Haitians work to prevent the reestablishment of a colonialist army under renewed U.S. occupation.

Twenty-five years ago, Nicaragua was the main destination of numerous USAID-financed non-governmental organizations (NGO) that served as the soft arm of a coloniaslit army. Now Nicaraguans are reclaiming their country, with the youth leading the charge.

If one takes a long-term view and learns to accept that revolutions are a process, it is possible to win one’s country again and again. The effort is well worth the smiling young faces like those in the video below.

Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua.

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VIDEO: Engagement of Nicaraguan youth in their country’s civic life. Courtesy of Tortilla Con Sal.



Sources: Haiti Chery | YouTube, courtesy of Tortilla con Sal



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