How Might We Honor Aaron Swartz? An Interview

Interview of Carlos Gomez with Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. “SOPA/PIPA was meant to protect rights that corporations should not be allowed to have. Copyright laws were developed to protect the livelihood of authors — not the corporations that buy the right to an author’s work…. There is no sense to a copyright outliving its author, since no amount of incentive would entice that author to further efforts.” – C. Gomez

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Aaron Swartz’ s Guerrilla Open Access Manifesto

By Aaron Swartz | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. “The world’s entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations….” – Swartz

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ACTA Killed By 478 to 39 Vote in EU Parliament

By Staff, RT. Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement ACTA received a knockout blow from the European Parliament as MEPs voted overwhelmingly against it, with 478 votes against and only 39 in favor. There were 146 abstentions.

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Final Vote on Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement ACTA on July 4th

By Georgi Gotev, EurActiv. A European Parliament Committee rejected the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) on June 21st despite pro-business lobbying by Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht, who insisted that Parliament should not decide before the European Court of Justice gives its opinion. A final vote in the full Parliament is expected on July 4th.

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Crucial ACTA Vote Kept Open and Honest, ACTA Soon to Depart

Press Release, La Quadrature du Net. The “International Trade” (INTA) committee of the EU Parliament will adopt its draft report on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), on Thursday June 21. Under pressure from the EU Commission and industry lobbyists, members of the committee could decide, potentially in a secret vote, to call for the adoption of ACTA or postponement of the final vote for years. Citizens participation is crucial to ensure the Parliament follows the general interest and votes a clear rejection of ACTA.

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ACTA Needs No Court Decision Before European Parliament Vote

By Jennifer Baker, IDG News. In a major victory for the campaign against the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), the European Parliament’s trade committee rejected by a vote of 21 to 5 a plan to send the proposed accord to the European Court of Justice (ECJ). This means that the European Parliament vote on ACTA will not be delayed 1 1/2 years and could happen as early as June 2012.

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Hypocrisy in Hollywood – from Pirate Against Edison to Lobbyist for ACTA-SOPA-PIPA

Provided by | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. This enlightening info-graphic describes the little known history of Hollywood’s birth as a pirate and attaches some startling numbers to the movie industry’s greed. A brief discussion is included about copyright laws and how they have changed since the mid-1970’s.

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Poland Government: We Were Wrong, We Will Not Ratify ACTA

By Alice Trudelle, Warsaw Business Journal | By Staff, The Slovenia Times | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. “I was wrong,” said Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, who announced that he wrote to his party not to back ACTA in the EU Parliament in its current form. A protest by Anonymous is underway.

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Act Up Against ACTA Saturday Feb 11th

By Staff, Access Now | YouTube | Haiti Chery. Protests against ACTA will take place worldwide on Saturday February 11, 2012. Over 1.75 million people have signed a petition against ACTA that is expected to get the endorsement of more than 2 million.

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ACTA Not Yet International Law | French MEP Quits in Protest

By Olivia Solon, Wired | Kader Arif, European MP Socialists & Democrats of the EU, Translated from the French by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery. It is not over. ACTA will not become law if the European Parliament is prevented from making it so in June 2012. Translation of full statement from Kader Arif included. (English | French)

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Block Thursday Jan 26th EU Ratification of Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement ACTA

By John Kennedy, Silicon Republic | Sharon Polsky, Interweb Freedom | YouTube (courtesy of Defend Your Freedom) | Why You Should Care About ACTA (booklet, in multiple languages), European Digital Rights | Assembled by Haiti Chery. European countries, including Ireland, might later this week join the US, Australia, Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Jordan, Morocco, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and Canada in supporting the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement ACTA. This bill would deputize Internet Service Providers to spy on their customers, among other things. Includes PDF with text of ACTA. UPDATED Jan 26th.

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