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Francoist Nun Charged With Theft of Babies from Poor Single Women | Ladrones de bebés ante la justicia

By Inés Benítez, IPS, Cambio3. Eighty-year-old Catholic nun, María Gómez, is charged with involvement in the 1982 disappearance of a child who was reunited as an adult with her biological mother in 2011. The Spanish nun is alleged to have belonged to a network that stole babies from clinics and sold them to infertile couples. Such networks had continued in Spain well into the 1970s and 1980s. (English | Spanish)

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Frederico Garcia Lorca: ‘On Lullabies’

By Frederico Garcia Lorca | Translation by A. S. Kline | Paintings by Gabriel Alix | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Frederico Garcia Lorca describes the lullabies of Spain in their cultural contexts and with a singular respect for children’s appreciation of abstraction. One lullaby from the region of Burgos is reminiscent of Haiti’s “Dodo Titit.”

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Argentina Remembers Children Stolen During Dictatorship: Trial Finally Under Way | Memorias de la dictadura argentina: las pruebas sobre el robo de bebés

By Marcela Valente, IPS | Staff, Cuba Debate. The Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo are finally getting heard in court after 35 years of demanding their stolen grandchildren. Eight former officials of the brutal Argentinian dictatorship that began on March 24, 1976 and lasted 7 years, are accused of “taking, retaining, hiding and changing the identities of” 34 children born to political prisoners held in clandestine prisons during the dictatorship. UPDATE on Mar 27th: Closing arguments. (English | Spanish)

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Magistrate Baltasar Garzon Sentenced to 11 Years of Disbarment by Partisan Spanish Court | Garzón dice adiós a la carrera judicial al ser condenado a 11 años de inhabilitación

By José Yoldi and Julio M. Lázaro, El Pais | Translated by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery | Wikipedia. As people protested outside the Criminal Chamber of the National Court in Spain, a group of partisan judges allied to Spain’s ruling conservative Partido Popular (PP) unanimously condemned Judge Baltasar Garzón to 11 years of disbarment for ordering the recording of conversations of the ringleaders of the corrupt Gürtel group connected to the PP.

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Frederico Garcia Lorca, Three Poems: Ditty of First Desire, Debussy, Fare Well | Frederico Garcia Lorca, tres poemas: Cancioncilla del primer beso, Debussy, El balcón

By Frederico Garcia Lorca, Casa Poema, Kempis, Everything2 | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Frederico García Lorca, one of the greatest poets and playwrights in the Spanish language, became Franco’s most famous victim at the start of the Spanish Civil War. Lorca’s remains might be in one of the unmarked graves that Judge Baltasar Garzon ordered exhumed as part of his probe into Spain’s fascist era. (English | Spanish)

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The Garzon Trial: Petty Vengeance

By Robert Bosschart, Radio Netherlands. More than anything, Judge Baltasar Garzon is paying the price for seeking to uncover a vast corruption ring (the so-called Gurtel case) within a Conservative party that embezzled millions during its previous administration and has just returned to power.

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Argentina Invokes Universal Jurisdiction for Crimes Against Humanity | Argentina invoca la jurisdicción universal para crímenes contra la humanidad

By Marcela Valente, IPS, Periodistas En Español | Princeton Principles of Universal Jurisdiction, Univ. Minnesota Human Rights Library. A judge in Argentina has begun to investigate human rights crimes committed during Spain’s civil war and the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco (between 1936 and 1975). The case is invoking the principle of universal jurisdiction for crimes against humanity and has landed in Argentina because Spain’s justice system is not effectively taking action. (English | Spanish)

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Honoring Baltasar Garzón

David Cole, The Nation. Judge Baltasar Garzón has reliably insisted on accountability for human rights violations, invoking the principle of “universal jurisdiction” for especially egregious crimes. He faces several politically motivated criminal prosecutions for his decisions.

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