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Dilma Rousseff, do Brasil: Não Golpe, e sim Reparação por causa de Corrupção Sistêmica

Por Dady Chery e Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery Traduzido por Murilo Leme Em votação pública aberta, a câmara baixa do Brasil votou esmagadoramente em 17 de abril de 2016 pelo impeachment de Dilma Rousseff. Os votos, 367 favoráveis a impeachment, em contraste com 137 … Continue reading →

Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff: Not a Coup but Payback for Systemic Corruption

By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery In a public open vote, Brazil’s lower house voted overwhelmingly on April 17, 2016 to impeach President Dilma Rousseff. The tally of 367 for impeachment, as opposed to 137 against and 7 … Continue reading →

The United Nations’ First Criminal Conviction

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Once upon a time, the United Nations was held up as a beacon of moral authority and hope for world peace. That was long before the UN formally became a criminal organization.

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Boston Marathon Bombing: More Justification for Repression and Endless Global War on Terror

By Gilbert Mercier and Dady Chery Haiti Chery We might never learn the motive behind the Boston Marathon bomb attack on Monday, April 15, 2013, which is reported to have killed three people and injured more than 170. It could … Continue reading →

Love’s Celebration Is Worth Life’s Struggles

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. “‘Why fight?’ Some ask, when we have probably passed the tipping point in climate change…. One might as well ask: Why live the best lives we can, although we will all die?…. But on accepting the human condition, we also discover that there is pleasure in cherishing what we cannot possess.”

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Sandino: Beyond Borrowed Masks, True Identity | Sandino : el abandono del disfraz a favor de la identidad

By Toni Solo, Tortilla con Sal, Haiti Chery | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Imperialist collaborators take pride in the degree to which they can assume the posture and mask of the oppressor. The predecessors of Augusto Cesar Sandino and inheritors of his legacy make it possible to shed those masks. (English | Spanish)

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Nicaraguan Youth Reclaim Their Country

Courtesy of Tortilla con Sal, You Tube | Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Nicaragua and Haiti have shared the same history of repelling a U.S. occupation only to face the harder task of resisting the unpatriotic army the occupation left behind. Nicaraguans are reclaiming their country, with the youth leading the charge and being the living proofs that the smiles are well worth the process.

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A New Reserve Currency to Challenge the Dollar – What’s Really Going on in the Straits of Hormuz

By David Malone, Golem XIV | Staff, IRIB News. Once it becomes more profitable for countries to use a basket of currencies tied to the yuan, then the yuan will effectively become the world’s reserve currency.

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Mithra: The Pagan Christ

By S. Acharya and D. M. Murdock, Truth Be Known | Edited by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery. Mithra was born on December 25 of the virgin Anahita, wrapped in swaddling clothes, placed in a manger and attended by shepherds. Mithra became a great traveling teacher and master, with 12 disciples. He performed miracles. He sacrificed himself for world peace and ascended to heaven….

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Christmas Before Jesus: Birth of the Unconquered Sun

By Staff, Essortment | Edited by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Christmas’ origins can be traced back to winter solstice celebrations like the Babylonian Feast of the Son of Isis, Roman Saturnalia, and birthday of Pagan sun god Mithras. In 350 Pope Julius I picked Mithras’ December 25 birthday as the date to celebrate Christ’s birth, although he was probably born in September. Hearty celebrations of the rebirth of the unconquered Sun!

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Understanding the War in Libya

Editorial, Granma. In the war against Libya, Washington is simultaneously pursuing several objectives: taking control of oil, protecting the safety of Israel, preventing the liberation of the Arab world, hindering African unity, and setting up NATO as Africa’s watchdog.

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Haiti: A New U.S. Occupation Disguised as Disaster Relief?

By Arun Gupta, Z Magazine. Official denials aside, the United States has embarked on a new military occupation of Haiti thinly cloaked as disaster relief.

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