Poland Government: We Were Wrong, We Will Not Ratify ACTA

By Alice Trudelle, Warsaw Business Journal | By Staff, The Slovenia Times | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. “I was wrong,” said Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, who announced that he wrote to his party not to back ACTA in the EU Parliament in its current form. A protest by Anonymous is underway.

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Act Up Against ACTA Saturday Feb 11th

By Staff, Access Now | YouTube | Haiti Chery. Protests against ACTA will take place worldwide on Saturday February 11, 2012. Over 1.75 million people have signed a petition against ACTA that is expected to get the endorsement of more than 2 million.

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ACTA Not Yet International Law | French MEP Quits in Protest

By Olivia Solon, Wired | Kader Arif, European MP Socialists & Democrats of the EU, Translated from the French by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery. It is not over. ACTA will not become law if the European Parliament is prevented from making it so in June 2012. Translation of full statement from Kader Arif included. (English | French)

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Block Thursday Jan 26th EU Ratification of Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement ACTA

By John Kennedy, Silicon Republic | Sharon Polsky, Interweb Freedom | YouTube (courtesy of Defend Your Freedom) | Why You Should Care About ACTA (booklet, in multiple languages), European Digital Rights | Assembled by Haiti Chery. European countries, including Ireland, might later this week join the US, Australia, Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Jordan, Morocco, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and Canada in supporting the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement ACTA. This bill would deputize Internet Service Providers to spy on their customers, among other things. Includes PDF with text of ACTA. UPDATED Jan 26th.

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SOPA, PIPA Instigators Feel the Heat But More Attacks Expected on ‘Freedom to Share’

By David Badash, New Civil Rights Movement | Nate Cochrane, Sydney Morning Herald | Clay Shirky, YouTube. One day after an international protest joined by father of world wide web Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Internet hacktivist collective Anonymous brought down the web sites of MPAA, the DOJ, Universal Music Group, RIAA, and the U.S. Copyright Office. Video covers what PIPA and SOPA would do and why more is coming.

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How to Blackout Your Site Wed Jan 18th to Protest PIPA

By Jon Fox, Torbit. PIPA will come up for a vote on Tue Jan 24th in the U.S. Senate. Although SOPA is indefinitely postponed, the protest against PIPA is still on. Here’s how to blackout your site on Wed Jan 18.

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PIPA Fight Still On, Wikipedia Joins Wed Jan 18th Blackout

By Andrew Couts, Digital Trends | Background, Haiti Chery. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) vote has been delayed indefinitely, but the equally intrusive Protect IP Act (PIPA) is still scheduled for a U.S. Senate vote on Tue Jan 24th. Reddit, BoingBoing, Mojang, Destructoid, Anonymous, Wikipedia (English) and the entire Cheezburger Network have announced blackouts for Wed Jan 18th to protest PIPA.

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MoveYourDomain to Protest Internet Blacklist Bills

By Rainey Reitman, Electronic Frontier Foundation. To protest the internet censorship bills SOPA and PIPA, several companies are challenging the internet community to transfer domain names and offering special deals for these transfers.

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Block a January 24th U.S. Senate Vote to Censor Online Communication

By Jane Wells, Word Press Planet. Internet censorship bill SOPA PIPA to allow the U.S. government to take down web sites (presumed to be involved in copyright infringement) will be voted on by the Senate on Tuesday, January 24th. Unless 41 senators can be found to help block this vote, it is going to pass.

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Pan-European Backing for Hungarian Journalists on 3rd Week of Hunger Strike | Démonstration pan-européenne pour sauvegarder la liberté de la presse en Hongrie

PRESS RELEASE, European Federation of Journalists | Contrary Hungarian blog | Christine Dupre, La Libre | Translations by Haiti Chery. The EFJ, which represents over 260,000 journalists in over 30 countries, backs the Hungarian journalists and union workers on a hunger strike since December 10 to protest repression and manipulation of the news.

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Journalists on Hunger Strike Subjected to Dismissal, Loud Music, Spotlights

By Jake Blumgart, Dissent Magazine. Phone interview of Jake Blumgart with Balázs Nagy-Navarro: the vice-president of Hungary Television and Filmmakers’ Union and one of several journalists and union members who, on Dec 10, 2011, started a hunger strike to protest media repression.

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Iceland’s Ongoing Revolution | La révolution en marche de l’Islande | La revolución en marcha de Islandia | Por que a Islândia deveria, mas não está nas notícias

By Deena Stryker, Daily Kos. In Iceland the financial crisis resulted in people recovering their sovereign rights through a new approach to direct participatory democracy that led to a new Constitution. (English | French | Portuguese | Spanish)

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Hungarian Journalists Stage Hunger Strike to Protest Govt Meddling

By Patrick Glennon, In these Times | Balázs Nagy-Navarro, You Tube. Four journalists and members of Hungary’s Television and Filmmakers Independent Trade Union are in the seventh day of a hunger strike to protest their government’s infringements on free speech.

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