Haitian-Born Author Dady Chery Discusses ‘We have Dared to Be Free’ With Anita Stewart – Part I

The following interview was originally broadcast on Wise Women Media on August 5, 2015 and later rebroadcast as a three-part series on Challenging the Rhetoric, on August 26-28. For the audio for the first part of the series, scroll to … Continue reading →

Le festin des dieux: Lien du Vodou à l’agriculture d’Haïti et aux ancêtres

Par Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. La religion et la culture haïtienne sont intimement liées à l’agriculture locale, à tel point que les cérémonies de Vaudou sont habituellement appelées manje lwa: festin des dieux. Nos lwa (dieux, esprits, divinités) doivent être nourris.

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Food for the Gods: Link of Vodou to Haiti’s Agriculture, a Legacy of the Ancestors

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Haitian religion and culture are so linked to local agriculture that Vodou ceremonies are routinely called manje lwa: food for the gods. Our lwa (gods, spirits, deities) must be fed. They are not eternal and … Continue reading →

Francois Duvalier Interview in English, 1968

By Alan Whicker and Frank Pocklington, BBC, ITV, Yorkshire Television | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Selected scenes of 1968 Haiti, plus a remarkably extensive and candid interview, in English, between a quite fearless British reporting team and Francois Duvalier.

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Homage to My Mothers: Restavek, Vodou, and Haiti’s Stolen Children

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery “There are no orphans in Haiti!” After a long silence at the other end of the line, my friend Jordan murmurs: “Come again?” He must be thinking I lost my senses. I realize how I … Continue reading →

Mithra: The Pagan Christ

By S. Acharya and D. M. Murdock, Truth Be Known | Edited by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery. Mithra was born on December 25 of the virgin Anahita, wrapped in swaddling clothes, placed in a manger and attended by shepherds. Mithra became a great traveling teacher and master, with 12 disciples. He performed miracles. He sacrificed himself for world peace and ascended to heaven….

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Christmas Before Jesus: Birth of the Unconquered Sun

By Staff, Essortment | Edited by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Christmas’ origins can be traced back to winter solstice celebrations like the Babylonian Feast of the Son of Isis, Roman Saturnalia, and birthday of Pagan sun god Mithras. In 350 Pope Julius I picked Mithras’ December 25 birthday as the date to celebrate Christ’s birth, although he was probably born in September. Hearty celebrations of the rebirth of the unconquered Sun!

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