La mise-en-scène du retour d’Aristide et le choix de sa dauphine Maryse Narcisse en Haïti

Une fois de plus, Jean-Bertrand Aristide est utilisé comme un front pour aider à légitimer le pillage d’Haïti par la communauté internationale. Le 29 et 30 septembre, tandis qu’un groupe de plus de 15 partis politiques haïtiens organisaient une série … Continue reading →

Humanitarian Imperialism: Aid as a Trojan Horse

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery We lived sustainably, with color and panache Long before the word sustainable became fashionable, before Scott and Helen Nearing experimented with non-establishment living in the 1930s and concluded that their project had failed because it … Continue reading →

Le festin des dieux: Lien du Vodou à l’agriculture d’Haïti et aux ancêtres

Par Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. La religion et la culture haïtienne sont intimement liées à l’agriculture locale, à tel point que les cérémonies de Vaudou sont habituellement appelées manje lwa: festin des dieux. Nos lwa (dieux, esprits, divinités) doivent être nourris.

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Food for the Gods: Link of Vodou to Haiti’s Agriculture, a Legacy of the Ancestors

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Haitian religion and culture are so linked to local agriculture that Vodou ceremonies are routinely called manje lwa: food for the gods. Our lwa (gods, spirits, deities) must be fed. They are not eternal and … Continue reading →

Haiti’s Leadership Against Imperialism

By Michel-Ange Cadet Haiti Chery Negro: that’s what they called us. Not to designate our person but mainly to assert a supposed supremacy which they believed themselves to hold and in the name of which we had to serve them, … Continue reading →

Pensée impériale

Par Michel-Ange Cadet, Haiti Chery | Tableaux de Gerard Fortuné. “Leurs intérêts pour l’homme, les races humaines, et les nations se réduisent à ce que ces hommes peuvent leur rapporter. L’appétit pour l’or, la richesse, la gloire, et pour dominer et assujettir constituent l’essence même de l’idéal impérial.”

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Haiti’s Human Rights Organizations Say No to Dictatorship | Les Organisations Haïtiennes de Défense des Droits Humains disent non à la gouvernance par décret

By Staff, AHP | Commentary and translation by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery. Thirteen human rights organizations have signed a memorandum to reject neo-dictatorship in Haiti after Michel Martelly declared that, if there could not be local elections in Haiti by January 12, 2015, he would rule by decree. (English | French)

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Waiting for Godot on Haiti’s Earthquake Anniversary

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Months after Haiti’s January 12, 2010 earthquake, people were questioning the failure to deliver promised aid funds. Today they research the disappearance of these funds. The result is the same. No help will come. No help has come.

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Haiti: Wrecking Ball Capitalism in Real Time

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. How does one drag a people with a sense of enough into the capitalist enterprise? In Haiti, this process is exposed in all its hideousness as it happens in real time.

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USAID: Dictator’s Little Helper

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. USAID’s goals were originally to diminish the threat of communism and open new markets for the US; these have expanded to include: developing “countries’ policies and institutions” and even “rebuilding government.”

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Haiti’s Assembly Workers Promised 87 Cents Per Hour

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Haiti’s sweatshop factory owners enjoy unprecedented duty free and quota-free access to the U.S. market, and only prison wages come close to the scandalously low 30 to 50 cents/hour earned by Haiti’s workers.

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Mountains Behind Protests

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Haiti’s most populous cities erupted in protest in early September, and some areas remain more or less in a state of continuous protest against human rights abuses, soaring food prices, 80 per cent unemployment, crashing agriculture, government corruption and racism, and many other severe political and economic ills.

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Soaring Food Prices in Haiti | Flambée du prix des produits de première nécessité sur le marché haïtien

By Ricardo Pierre Placide, Le Matin | Translation by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Over the past several months, Haitian households have faced an unprecedented 40% increase on average in the prices of essential commodities such as eggs, rice, sugar, and flour. (English | French).

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Haiti’s Homeless | ‘Martelly ne peut pas détruire des maisons qu’il n’a pas construites’

By Staff (WJL), HPN | Staff, Nouvel Observateur via RadioTV Caraibes | Translation by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Residents from the Jalousie neighborhood of Petion-Ville took to the streets Thursday, July 12, 2012 to call for a halt to the measures from Haiti’s Ministry of the Environment to demolish thousands of their homes. “It’s not right that a person should be offered only $465 after his house is demolished,” said a protestor. (English | French)

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