Occupy Oakland Urgently Needs Bail Funds, Says Festival Still On | OWS Calls Solidarity Protests

By Staff, Occupy Oakland and Occupy Wall Street | Haiti Chery. Occupy Oakland moved to convert a vacant building into a community center to provide education, medical, and housing services for the 99%; police responded with tear gas, rubber bullets, beanbag rounds, and mass arrests.

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The Giving Moringa Tree | Árvore milagrosa como um supermercado ao ar livre

By Kristin Palitza, IPS | Informações de Envolverde | Holistic Health | Haiti Chery. Moringa oleifera is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that produces leaves full of nutrients and medicines, and pods full of protein. The seeds can purify water and furnish cooking oil, and the flowers are decorative and medicinal. Moringa already grows in most of the South where it is often called Malunggai. In Haiti, it is called Benzolivier.

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Etta James: My Funny Valentine | The Sky Is Crying

Etta James, You Tube (courtesy of Yvonne Koendeerman and Caela Harlot) | Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Etta could dig into a 12-bar blues as well as she could stretch the phrases of a jazz ballad. Thank you, Etta. So glad you were here. You are missed.

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SOPA, PIPA Instigators Feel the Heat But More Attacks Expected on ‘Freedom to Share’

By David Badash, New Civil Rights Movement | Nate Cochrane, Sydney Morning Herald | Clay Shirky, YouTube. One day after an international protest joined by father of world wide web Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Internet hacktivist collective Anonymous brought down the web sites of MPAA, the DOJ, Universal Music Group, RIAA, and the U.S. Copyright Office. Video covers what PIPA and SOPA would do and why more is coming.

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Thousands Deliver Grievances to Haitian Parliament | Haïti-Séisme-2 ans : Des milliers de manifestants s’adressent au Parlement

By Staff (gp jsr kft), AlterPresse | Translated by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery. Thousands marched through Port-au-Prince on the eve of the 2nd anniversary of the earthquake to present to the Haitian Parliament a document that calls land reform, decentralization, social housing, and transparency in the management of public affairs, among other things. (English | French)

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Block a January 24th U.S. Senate Vote to Censor Online Communication

By Jane Wells, Word Press Planet. Internet censorship bill SOPA PIPA to allow the U.S. government to take down web sites (presumed to be involved in copyright infringement) will be voted on by the Senate on Tuesday, January 24th. Unless 41 senators can be found to help block this vote, it is going to pass.

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Fracking for Shale Gas Pollutes Water, Leads to Earthquakes

Staff, British Columbia Women’s Institute Josh Fox, You Tube. Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is looking increasingly like a technology that will have to be left alone, not only because it pollutes the atmosphere and water, but also because the high-pressure injection of waste water from this process is thought to allow ancient faults to slip, leading to earthquakes.

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Pan-European Backing for Hungarian Journalists on 3rd Week of Hunger Strike | Démonstration pan-européenne pour sauvegarder la liberté de la presse en Hongrie

PRESS RELEASE, European Federation of Journalists | Contrary Hungarian blog | Christine Dupre, La Libre | Translations by Haiti Chery. The EFJ, which represents over 260,000 journalists in over 30 countries, backs the Hungarian journalists and union workers on a hunger strike since December 10 to protest repression and manipulation of the news.

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Katia Cadet Sings Her New Song ‘A Mes Pieds’ | Katia Cadet chante sa nouvelle chanson ‘a mes pieds’

Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Katia Cadet is a major talent who has come our way from Haiti via Montreal. She sings ‘A mes pieds,’ a lovely song that recommends–for those involved with a slick operator–giving him that final look at your beautiful back. Excellent start to a new year. (English | French)

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Cuba Announces Massive Prisoner Release, Gradual Ease of Travel Restrictions

By Staff, Xinhua | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The release of 2,000 Cuban prisoners on the anniversary of the release of the Bay of Pigs invaders by Cuba is hardly coincidental. It is now the United State’ turn to free the Cuban 5.

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