Brazil Gets Serious About Biopiracy of Its Natural Diversity

By Saikat, About My Planet. Brazil has begun to levy fines on companies that do not compensate the country for exploiting its genetic materials and traditional knowledge.

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Cholera for Sale In a Blue Plastic Bag: Infected Water Distributed in Haiti as Purified

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. As of October 28, 2010, over 300 Haitians have died and over 4,000 have fallen ill of cholera. The press immediately blamed “poor sanitation in the camps” for the outbreak, although the outbreak began in the pristine small towns of St. Marc and Mirebalais that had not suffered any earthquake damage.

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A Cholera Outbreak Introduced Into Haiti by a Foreign Source

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. To blame Haiti’s cholera outbreak on overcrowding and poor sanitation, as is routinely done in the news, is to suggest the impossible: that Vibrio cholera can spontaneously appear out of thin air though there’s been no record of cholera on the island in more than century.

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Parasitism in the Tropics: The Coming Floods, Disease, and Immunity in Haiti

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Among the parasites that prey on humans, those most pernicious live in the tropics and work by proxy.

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