MINUSTAH’s Cholera Kleptocracy Prepares to Stay in Haiti | Cleptocracia do Cólera da MINUSTAH Prepara-se Para Ficar no Haiti

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The great majority of Haitians categorically reject the UN force, and Haiti’s Senate passed a resolution in September 2011 that called for withdrawal of the troops by October 2012. Nevertheless, the groundwork is once again carefully laid for renewal of the UN mandate. With a yearly budget of more than half a billion dollars at stake, the disregard for democracy is total. (English | Portuguese)

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Sabotage Leaves Cap Haitien Without Municipal Water | Haïti-Eau potable : Rareté au Cap Haïtien, le système saboté

By Wedlyne Jacques, AlterPresse | Translation by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. No water from the taps of Cap Haitien residents since early 2012. And they must walk several kilometers to reach a source of water. Some people report that they wake up as early as 2:00 to 5:00 am to queue for half a day to buy water that is not even fit for drinking. (English | French)

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Cuba’s Cholera Outbreak Over in Two Months

Press Release from Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Granma, Cuba Debate. With epidemiological vigilance, public education, and appropriate treatment, Cuban public health workers completely ended in two months what might have become a major cholera epidemic and limited a cholera outbreak to three deaths and 417 cases. (English|Spanish)

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Landmark Sentence for Agrochemical Contamination in Cordoba | Dos condenas y una absolución en el primer juicio por el uso de agroquímicos en Córdoba

By Kate Beioley, Argentina Independent | Staff, Los Andes. Two men, rural producer Francisco Parra and chemical-application person Edgardo Pancello, were sentenced to three-year prison terms for use of the agrochemicals endosulphin and glyphosate in the barrio of Ituzaingó Anexo. So far, 200 cases of cancer have been discovered in the barrio, 100 of these fatal. (English | Spanish)

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Medical School of Dr. Aristide Foundation University, Academic Year 2012-2013 | Inscriptions pour une nouvelle promotion à la faculté de médecine de l’Université de la Fondation Docteur Aristide:

By Staff, AHP | Translation by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The Medical School of the Dr. Aristide Foundation University (UNIFA), in Tabarre, near Port-au-Prince, opened its enrollment on Wednesday August 1 for academic year 2012-2013. The University’s Director, Dr. Peter Gaetchen announced that registration will run until August 14, and the entrance examination will be held on August 20. (English | French)

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Drones, Cholera in Broadened UN ‘Peacekeeping’ Mandate | Le ‘mandat étendu’ de la MINUSTAH

PRESS RELEASE, UN via RadioTV Caraibes | Translation by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The heads of the UN peacekeeping missions forces in the Congo (MONUSCO), Haiti (MINUSTAH) and South Sudan (MISNUSS) said that these operations have broad mandates: from classical peacekeeping to conflict mitigation, and even the fight against cholera. (English | French)

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Doctors of the World, from Cuba to Haiti

By Amelia Duarte de la Rosa, Granma | YouTube. Twenty-two new graduates from Havana’s Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) arrived in Haiti on an internationalist mission. They will work alongside the Cuban Medical Brigade to provide medical attention and preventive and rehabilitation services for Haitians, while specializing in comprehensive general medicine.

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Nurses Lead Protest Against NATO, For Financial Transactions Tax

By David Moberg, In These Times | Haiti Chery. At a Friday, May 18, 2012 rally in Chicago to kick off no-NATO protests, nurses wore Robin Hood attire to demand a financial transaction tax, also called the Robin Hood tax.

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Rights Groups: Stop Deportations of Haitians from U.S.

Interview of Drew Aiken, Defend Haiti | stophaitideportations.org | Press TV, YouTube. The U.S. has resumed the deportation of about 50 Haitians per month to Haiti since January 2011. Some of the deportees get detained in Haiti, including 34 year-old Wildrick Guerrier who died in prison of cholera. Many deportees have medical conditions for which they cannot get care or have U.S.-citizen children in the States whom they cannot support. Human Rights groups are calling for a consideration of humanitarian factors and a stop to the deportations.

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Piarroux: Haiti Epidemic Could Be Gone in Months, Vaccination Target St Marc Has No Cholera | Interview du Dr Renaud Piarroux sur le choléra d’Haiti avec Priorité Santé

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery (English) | Renaud Piarroux and Claire Hedon, Priorite Sante (French). Contrary to the daily predictions of mayhem from the mainstream press about Haiti’s cholera epidemic, Dr. Renaud Piarroux, who has access to up-to-date medical information and laboratory results about the epidemic, says that cholera could be completely eradicated from Haiti in a few months, but not by the oral vaccination campaign promoted by Haiti’s Ministry of Public Health and Population. (English | French)

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In PIH Oral Cholera Vaccine Trial, Rights of Haitians Should be Respected

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. A medical trial in Haiti — presumably of the oral cholera vaccine Shanchol — on poor women and children is being presented as a vaccination campaign. To avoid possible abuse it is essential that the Declaration of Helsinki guidelines be followed.

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Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects | Principes éthiques applicables à la recherche médicale impliquant des êtres humains

By the World Medical Association. Guidelines for all research on humans include a requirement to inform potential human subjects of their right to abstain or withdraw consent at any time. Potential subjects must be informed of the purpose, methods, funding sources, conflicts of interest and benefits of the research, as well as the risks of possible side effects. The guidelines also require researchers and their publishers to supply complete and accurate information on their findings, including negative results. (English | French)

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City Dwellers Flock to Raising Chickens | How to Raise Urban Chickens

By Ben Block, Worldwatch Institute | Andrew Kalinchuk, Green Home Authority | You Tube | Haiti Chery. Grassroots campaigns, often inspired by the expanding movement to buy locally produced food, are leading United States municipalities to allow limited numbers of hens within city limits.

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Abuse of Antibiotics in Agroindustry Generates Deadly Drug-Resistant Bacteria | Antibióticos en la agroindustria generan bacterias resistentes

By Julio Godoy, IPS | You Tube | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Five prematurely born children died in Bremen, Germany, from infections acquired in a hospital. The infections involved highly antibiotic-resistant bacteria in poultry. (English | Spanish)

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