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10 Reasons Why UN Occupation of Haiti Must End

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery The worst crime of the United Nations Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), which the UN Security Council extended on April 13, 2017 and will rename United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH) after October 15, … Continue reading →

Haitian Migrants at US-Mexico Border: An Exclusive Report

By Christiane Ndedi Essombe Haiti Chery California border, December 2016 The US-Mexico border witnessed at its doors in 2016 thousands of Haitians who sought to enter the US. At the San Ysidro port of entry alone, south of San Diego, over … Continue reading →

Principal Exportação do Haiti: Novos Escravos do Brasil

Por Dady Chery Haiti Chery Traduzido por Murilo Leme É legado do colonialismo seus sistemas econômicos predatórios durarem mais do que as declarações de independência de suas vítimas. E assim hoje, paradoxalmente, a escravidão continua sendo a principal exportação do … Continue reading →

Dady Chery and Eric Draitser Discuss Imperialism and Colonialism in Haiti

Interview of Dady Chery with Eric Draitser Haiti Chery Eric Draitser: Today I have the amazing special opportunity to speak to someone whom I really admire, really respect, whose work I follow regularly, and I think we’re all going to … Continue reading →

When Will MINUSTAH Leave Haiti?


From Haiti to Guatemala: MINUSTAH’s Edmond Mulet Comes Home to Roost

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Today, we have a big shot returning from the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH), one who descends from the Guatemala of Efrain Rios Montt (1982-1983): we have Edmond Mulet, the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations at the UN and probably Guatemala’s next president.

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Doutrina Monroe Imperial Vigente: Golpes Silenciosos na América Latina, o Caso do Equador

Por Dady Chery, Haiti Chery | Traduzido do inglês por Murilo Otávio Rodrigues Paes Leme. A estabilidade da América Latina, contudo, é a estabilidade de paciente comatoso. Começou com maciça expansão em tempo de paz de forças policiais e militares em Argentina, Brasil e Chile (ABC), começando em torno de 2004, com patrocínio das Nações Unidas. (Inglês | Português)

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Imperial Monroe Doctrine in Force: Quiet Coups in Latin America, the Case of Ecuador

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery The appearance of stability in Latin America is preferable to any kind of political upheaval. The Monroe Doctrine is very much in force, but from a superficial look at elections and the constitutional order, one … Continue reading →

Haiti: Time for Clinton and Co to Pack and Go

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. This is not the first time the United States has occupied Haiti and been evicted from it. There is no other choice for the Clintons but to leave Haiti, together with their international cohort of parasites, including MINUSTAH, the NGOs and USAID. (English | French | German)

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Brazil Tests Military Technology in Haiti, Trains Rising UN Troop Numbers

By Olivia Freitas and Fabio Zanini, Haiti Chery | Brazil Soberano e Libre. Translated by Dady Chery. The Brazilian army and its industrial partners are using Haiti as a testing ground for their latest armored vehicle, called the Guarani, which is meant for domestic repression and sale countries like Israel. Brazil is also training rising numbers of so-called peacekeepers for deployment to Haiti, although the UN mission in Haiti is supposedly being reduced.

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Et Tu, Brute? Haiti’s Betrayal By Latin America | Et Tu, Brute? Traição do Haiti pela América Latina

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Translated from the English by Murilo Otávio Rodrigues Paes Leme. Current-day occupiers of Haiti from the regions that had been freed by Bolivar like to recall the “glorious relationship of Bolivar and Petion,” as if this could hypnotize Haitians and ever be a distraction as these occupiers continue a tradition of betrayal. (English | Portuguese)

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Le génie de Chavez: Par Fidel Castro | La genialidad de Chávez: Por Fidel Castro

Par Fidel Castro | Cuba Debate, Haiti Chery. “Moi qui ai abordé bien souvent des problèmes difficiles dans de longs discours… j’ai du mal à m’expliquer comment ce militaire d’origine modeste, mais à l’esprit agile et au talent sans pareil, a été capable d’un tel déploiement d’éloquence sans perdre la voix ni ses forces.” (Français | Espagnol)

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Biodiversity and Sustainability Closely Linked to Language and Culture

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. As linguistic and culturally diversity disappear, so too does biological diversity. This is because the world’s indigenous cultures know best how to create the conditions to maintain species and keep ecosystems functioning in areas where humans also live.

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Salvadorans Incubate Hope for Sea Turtles | Salvadoreños incuban esperanza para tortugas marinas

By Edgardo Ayala, Tierramerica via IPS. El Salvador’s Jiquilisco Bay, a tiny hidden corner of the Pacific Ocean and home to the country’s longest stretch of mangrove forests, is becoming a haven for endangered sea turtles. (English | Spanish)

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