‘Haiti No MINUSTAH’ Indignant Latin Americans Vow

By Dialogue 200 and Jubilee South Network, Press Release. We support the demands of our partner organizations in Haiti, who reject the presence of this occupation force and demand that the UN, instead of bringing new problems such as rape, murder and the cholera epidemic that has so far claimed more than 6,000 lives, proceed to apply exemplary sanctions and offer compensation to the victims.

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Nobel Prize Laureates and Prominent Latin Americans Demand UN Mission Withdrawal from Haiti

Editorial Comment Nobel Peace Prize laureates Argentinean Adolfo Perez Esquivel and Irish Betty Williams, Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano, and Brazilian theologians Leonardo Boff and Frei Betto are among those who wrote a letter that calls for the withdrawal of the … Continue reading →

Eduardo Galeano: Haiti, Occupied Country | Haïti, pays occupé | Haití, país ocupado | Haiti, país ocupado

By Eduardo Galeano, Cuba Si. “It is worth repeating it once again, so that the deaf can hear: Haiti was the founding country of the independence of America and the first one that defeated slavery in the world. It deserves much more than the fame sprung from its misfortunes.” – Eduardo Galeano. (English | French | Portuguese | Spanish)

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The Open Veins of Climate Change | Los derechos del hombre y la tierra

By Eduardo Galeano, Rebelion | Yes! Magazine. “Human rights and the rights of Nature are two names of the same dignity.” – Eduardo Galeano. (English | Spanish)

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