Ex-Singer Tied to Death Squads Named Winner in Haitian Vote

By Bill Van Auken, WSWS. Michel Martelly, the ex-Kompa singer who cast himself as a political outsider and champion of “change,” was named Monday as the winner of the second round of Haiti’s presidential election with 67.57 percent of the votes cast and a turnout of about 25 percent.

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U.S. Military Convoy To Seal Haiti’s Elections

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. “American military will not be sent to Haiti in advance of the election results,” U.S. embassy speaker Jon Pietchowski answered last Friday when confronted with rumors that U.S. soldiers were en route to Haiti to enforce security on the announcement of the presidential and legislative election results.

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Annul Haiti’s Second-Round Elections!

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Haiti, it seems, would hardly need a parliament, with the world community toasting the smooth elections, and Mr. Martelly on course to resolve his housing problems. The Haitians who stayed away from the polls beg to differ. A popular slogan is: “There was no first round, so there can be no second round.”

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Haiti Elections: Yet More Kaka from MINUSTAH

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. To hear it all, one would think that the Haitian electoral fraud happened yesterday. In fact, the fraud went down many months ago, when a corrupt electoral commission (CEP) with U.S., Canadian and French financial backing, banned the most popular political party Lavalas from the elections.

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