Antarctica’s Accelerating Melt: Massive Sea Level Rise in Decades

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery | With regard to climate change, exponential processes have been treated as if they would develop linearly, despite scientists knowing quite well that they would not. The sea-level rise of 10 to 16 feet will come in decades, rather than 200 years. It will submerge essentially every port city in the world.

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Dying by Degrees from Climate Change

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The End Age for humanity is not a date known to man, but a point of no return from climate change. Are we there now, as the Hopi and Mayans have predicted? Is there time left to us and, if so, how long?

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The Pulse of Climate Change

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The Haitian impression of being in the center of a world vortex could not be truer when it comes to climate change. As a result of carbon (mostly carbon dioxide and methane) emissions due burning of fossil fuels by industrialized countries, global sea levels have risen one inch over the last decade alone.

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Tropical Oceans: Beating Heart of Climate Change

By University of Plymouth Scientists, The tropical regions of the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans appear to act like a heart: accumulating heat and then pulsing it in bursts across the Earth.

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Global Warming Is Accelerating

By Staff Writers, SPX via Terra Daily | University of Melbourne School of Earth Sciences | Editorial comment by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. This study of global warming, published in Geophysical Research Letters, was featured in the journal Nature as one of the most viewed papers in science. You snould know why so many scientists are reading this paper.

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Massive Drop in Antarctic Cold Dense Water that Drives Global Ocean Currents

By Steve Rintoul, CSIRO | Staff, SPX via Terra Daily. Australian and US scientists have found a 60% reduction in the amount of Antarctic Bottom Water off the coast of Antarctica since 1970. This is worrying because the sinking of dense water around Antarctica is part of a global pattern of ocean currents that strongly influences climate.

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Amplified Acceleration of Ice Loss from Antarctica to the Sea

PRESS RELEASE, UT Austin Institute for Geophysics. A study of nearly 40 years of satellite imagery has revealed that the floating ice shelves of a critical portion of West Antarctica are steadily losing their grip on adjacent bay walls, amplifying an already accelerating loss of ice to the sea.

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Industrial Fertilizer Responsible for Climate Changing Nitrous Oxide Levels

By Robert Sanders, UC Berkeley Press Release | CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research | Haiti Chery. Scientists from the U.S., Australia and New Zealand have discovered that a steep rise in atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) since the mid-1970’s is due to the increased use of industrial fertilizers. Nitrous oxide damages the UV-protective ozone layer in the stratosphere and contributes to climate change as a potent greenhouse gas that causes global warming.

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Sunken Parts of Gondwana Found Off Australia

By Amy Coopes, Cosmos Magazine. Rocks from two ‘islands’ on the remote sea floor 1,600 km west of Australia contained fossils of creatures found in shallow waters, meaning the ‘islands’ were once part of the continent at or above sea level.

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Pulled Over: from Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman’s ‘Good Omens’

By Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (1990), publishers Gollancz (UK), Workman (US) | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Excerpt from Good Omens: a prescient and hilarious book about the coming end times. This excerpt describes being pulled over by an extraterrestrial.

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Climate Change Melting Polar Regions Faster Than Ever Before

By Steve Connor, The Independent. From the Arctic sea to the Antarctican ice shelves, the frozen “cryosphere” is showing the unequivocal signs of climate change.

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340 Square Mile Iceberg Breaking Away From Antarctica

By Patrick Lynch, NASA | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The calving of a huge iceberg at Pine Island Glacier is being closely watched by scientists, who consider it to be the largest source of uncertainty in global sea-level rise projections.

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