Brilliant Move by Palestine Disqualifies U.S. from Palestine-Israel Negotiations

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. When the Palestinian application for full membership in UNESCO comes to the UN Security Council next month, the U.S. will certainly try to scuttle this membership. In doing so, the U.S. will lose all credibility in future Palestine-Israel negotiations.

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Too Many People, Too Much Consumption | The Most Overpopulated Nation

By Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, Yale Environment 360 | Eco-Watch. The view that overpopulation is not our problem just doesn’t wash. Using the I = P x A x T equation, one can see that the total impact of the U.S. is gigantic, several hundred times that of Bangladesh. These classic articles date from 1992 and 2008, which makes them all the more relevant and urgent.

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Dady Chery’s Top 10 Reasons Why MINUSTAH Should Go | Les 10 premières raisons pour lesquelles la MINUSTAH devrait partir | Las 10 primeras razones para qué la MINUSTAH deba irse | Lista dos dez principais motivos pelos quais a MINUSTAH deveria ir-se

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery (English, French) | Spanish translation by Fernando Moyano | Portuguese translation by Murilo Otávio Rodrigues Paes Leme. MINUSTAH’s worst crime so far is killing over 8,000 Haitians with cholera. It is a degraded, degrading, and unwanted occupation force that must go. (English | French | Spanish | Portuguese)

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Scientists Hail Africa’s Steps Into Space

By Staff Writers, Space Daily | NASRDA | Stephen Clark, Spaceflight Now. Last month Nigeria launched two satellites, Nigeriasat 2 and Nigeriasat X, used for forestry, mapping, disaster monitoring and security applications. In 2009 South Africa launched SumbandilaSat and last year formed its own space agency.

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Understanding the War in Libya

Editorial, Granma. In the war against Libya, Washington is simultaneously pursuing several objectives: taking control of oil, protecting the safety of Israel, preventing the liberation of the Arab world, hindering African unity, and setting up NATO as Africa’s watchdog.

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Honoring Baltasar Garzón

David Cole, The Nation. Judge Baltasar Garzón has reliably insisted on accountability for human rights violations, invoking the principle of “universal jurisdiction” for especially egregious crimes. He faces several politically motivated criminal prosecutions for his decisions.

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