Haiti Rejects Election Under Occupation

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery The discredited mainstream media has evidently not learned anything from the fiasco of the 2016 United States presidential election, for which it predicted an 85 percent probability of a Hillary Clinton win, instead of the Donald … Continue reading →

Haiti’s Rainy-Day Presidential Elections Without Clinton Thunder

UPDATE #6, Dec 23, 2016. Haiti Elections: Rules Changed so Verification Proceeds With Only Alleged Cheats Starting at around 5:30 pm on Thursday, December 22, the verification of the voters lists and tabulation sheets proceeded without the lawyers of the … Continue reading →

Six Ways Trump Can Help Haiti Recover from Clinton Disaster

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Donald Trump won the United States presidency against Hillary Clinton because he was the only candidate who seriously competed against her. One of President-Elect Trump’s major prizes in the election was the swing state of … Continue reading →

Haïti: La propagation du choléra et la quête de l’argent par l’ONU

Par Dady Chery Haiti Chery Les Nations Unies ont causé 10 000 décès et 700 000 infections de choléra après le tremblement de terre désastreux d’Haïti du 12 Janvier 2010. Dans ce contexte c’est logique qu’une association continue avec l’ONU, … Continue reading →

Haiti’s Cholera Spreading, Money Grubbing, United Nations Plague

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery If the United Nations caused 10,000 deaths and 700,000 cholera infections after Haiti’s January 12, 2010 disastrous earthquake, then it stands to reason that a continued association with the UN after six years of inaction … Continue reading →

Haiti: Facts About Hurricane Matthew Vs Media Poetic Truth

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Matthew barreled through the Caribbean Sea between Haiti and Cuba and slammed into Haiti as a Category 4 Hurricane during the night of Monday to Tuesday, October 3-4, 2016. The hurricane made its first landfall … Continue reading →

Haïti élections: Désinformation et propagande

Par Dady Chery Haïti Chery La lutte pour Haïti est pleinement en vigueur. Depuis que les Haïtiens ont contrecarré les élections frauduleuses et ont commencé à faire leurs propres projets, l’occupation étrangère est devenue désespérée pour concocter une solution pseudo-haïtienne à … Continue reading →

Disinformation & Propaganda 101: Haiti Elections

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery The fight for Haiti is on. Since Haitians scuttled the fraudulent elections and started to make their own plans, the foreign occupation has become desperate to concoct a pseudo-Haitian solution to the electoral impasse. A disinformation campaign from mainstream … Continue reading →

Aid-Money Laundering as an NGO Racket

Dady Chery Haiti Chery It took the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti to expose the rot in the world’s charities. Well-meaning people and their governments donated about $12 billion dollars of emergency aid, virtually none of which reached individual … Continue reading →

Haiti’s Cite Soleil Fights Back

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery What if there were an election and nobody came? It happened in Haiti on August 9, 2015. Language fails us. Words like election, plebiscite and democracy no longer matter. If there had been a word … Continue reading →

Bataille pour l’Île-à-Vache: Interview avec Jérôme Genest de KOPI

Interview de Dady Chéry avec Jérôme Genest, Haiti Chery. Le Konbit Peyizan Ilavach (KOPI) est à l’avant-garde d’une lutte entre la branche exécutive d’Haiti et les habitants de l’Île-à-Vache, une île agricole de 52 kilometres carrés et 20,000 habitants au sud du pays.

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Quel genre de tourisme serait durable pour l’Ile à Vache, d’Haiti? Interview avec Melinda Wilson

Interview de Dady Chery avec Melinda Wilson, Haiti Chery. Nous avons examiné de plus près le tourisme à l’île a Vache avec l’auteur and conferenciere primée Québéquoise, Melinda Wilson. Mme Wilson est une experte sur les aspects biologiques et ornementales de l’horticulture et une voyageuse soucieuse de l’environnement qui connaît tres bien l’Ile à Vache.

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Human Rights Organizations: Widespread Abuse and Police Brutality in Haiti’s Ile a Vache

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery The struggle between Haiti’s peasants in Ile a Vache and the country’s executive branch is not a simple misunderstanding. The peasants have cared for and forested the offshore island to the extent that it has … Continue reading →

Ile a Vache Population: ‘Martelly-Lamothe Are Selling Haiti!’

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The La Hatte section of Ile a Vache, Haiti, is paralyzed by popular protests and roadblocks occasioned by the government’s failure to respond about several of its recent actions, including the destruction of parts of the island for road construction by a Dominican company, house-to-house searches by militarized police, a visit by the Tourism Minister that showed no evidence of good faith, and the continued detention of community representative Jean Matulnes Lamy.

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