Cuba: Détente ou Trama Imperial da Doutrina Monroe?

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Traduzido por Murilo Leme Embora a Revolução Cubana tenha 57 anos de idade e seja usualmente responsabilizada pelo isolamento de Cuba, já se passaram 88 anos desde a última visita à ilha de chefe de estado … Continue reading →

Cuba: Détente or Monroe Doctrine Imperial Plot?

By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Although the Cuban Revolution is 57 years old and is usually blamed for Cuba’s isolation, it has been 88 years since the last visit to the island by a US head of state. United States … Continue reading →

Boston Marathon Bombing: More Justification for Repression and Endless Global War on Terror

By Gilbert Mercier and Dady Chery Haiti Chery We might never learn the motive behind the Boston Marathon bomb attack on Monday, April 15, 2013, which is reported to have killed three people and injured more than 170. It could … Continue reading →

Magistrate Baltasar Garzon Sentenced to 11 Years of Disbarment by Partisan Spanish Court | Garzón dice adiós a la carrera judicial al ser condenado a 11 años de inhabilitación

By José Yoldi and Julio M. Lázaro, El Pais | Translated by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery | Wikipedia. As people protested outside the Criminal Chamber of the National Court in Spain, a group of partisan judges allied to Spain’s ruling conservative Partido Popular (PP) unanimously condemned Judge Baltasar Garzón to 11 years of disbarment for ordering the recording of conversations of the ringleaders of the corrupt Gürtel group connected to the PP.

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The Garzon Trial: Petty Vengeance

By Robert Bosschart, Radio Netherlands. More than anything, Judge Baltasar Garzon is paying the price for seeking to uncover a vast corruption ring (the so-called Gurtel case) within a Conservative party that embezzled millions during its previous administration and has just returned to power.

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