Frederico Garcia Lorca: ‘On Lullabies’

By Frederico Garcia Lorca | Translation by A. S. Kline | Paintings by Gabriel Alix | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Frederico Garcia Lorca describes the lullabies of Spain in their cultural contexts and with a singular respect for children’s appreciation of abstraction. One lullaby from the region of Burgos is reminiscent of Haiti’s “Dodo Titit.”

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Cave Paintings With Rare Red Pictographs Discovered in Eastern Cuba

By Orfilio Peláez, Granma. Three Cuban cave painting sites were discovered in a nature reserve in Imías municipality, Guantánamo province, in February 2012, by the Cuban Speleological Society. A use of the color red, found in these paintings, is rare and presumed to be linked to important events in the lives of the original pre-Columbian inhabitants.

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Privatization of Water: Benign as Lucifer

By Richard Raznikov, The Rag Blog | Democracy Center | Haiti Chery. About 20 years ago, it dawned on the bankers and some major corporations that if oil was a lucrative commodity, water would be even more so…. The trick was how to take it away from the people and sell it back to them.

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6,060 Years for Guatemalan Ex-Soldier Who Massacred Indigenous and Fled to California

By Staff (sc/jg/jsr/mgt/jf), Prensa Latina | By Rachel Rickard Straus, Daily Mail. Pedro Pimentel, a former instructor of an elite Guatemalan military force called kaibiles, extradited from the US last July, has been sentenced to 6,060 years in prison for his role in killing 201 indigenous people in the Dos Erres massacre of December 6 to 8, 1982.

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Akasan, Haitian Cornmeal Drink for Sunday Morning

By Marianne Cesar, in A Taste of Haiti, Caribbean Living | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Nearly every Latin America and Caribbean country boasts of a delicious cornmeal drink. Ours in Haiti is called Akasan. It is a legacy from our Taino ancestors.

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Lessons from the Indigenous on Promoting Plant Biodiversity

By Jan Salick, Missouri Botanical Garden | Staff, e! Science News. Mountains are considered sacred by both the Yanesha of the upper Peruvian Amazon and Tibetans of the Himalayas. They excel in promoting plant biodiversity. For example, the Yanesha grow over 200 varieties of cassava.

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Former Guatemalan Dictator Rios Montt to Stand Trial for Genocide

By Danilo Valladares, IPS. A Guatemalan court has ordered former dictator Efrain Rios Montt to stand trial for genocide and crimes against humanity. If convicted, he faces 30 years in prison. Hopefully the members of the army who perpetrated the crimes will also be brought to justice. (English | Spanish)

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Caracol Haiti Industrial Park With Projected Adverse Environmental Impact | Caracol, un parc industriel d’Haïti Parc qui aurait un impact environnemental négatif

By Staff, Haiti Grassroots Watch. Part 6 of 7. The same week over 300 agricultural plots in Caracol, Haiti, were unexpectedly destroyed, the Haitian government signed an agreement with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, IDB, and Korean textile giant Sae-A Trading to convert the lands into an industrial park. This park will dump its wastes into a bay with extensive coraf reefs and one of the country’s last mangrove forests. (English | French)

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Rwanda Leads in Reforestation

By Gerald Tenywa, New Vision | Photos and video added by Haiti Chery. Rwanda gained 51 percent more forest cover between 1990 and 2005, or around 400,000 acres. This is the fastest growth rate in the world. Almost 20 percent of the country, about 1.2 million acres, is forested.

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Disastrous ‘Durban Package’ Accelerates Onset of Climate Catastrophe | Le ‘paquet’ désastreux de Durban accélère la catastrophe climatique

By Nnimmo Bassey and staff, Friends of the Earth International via Common Dreams. The UN climate talks in Durban take the world a step back by undermining an already inadequate system. The developing countries’ promised reductions are greater than those of the industrialized world, which is responsible for 75 percent of the total human emissions in the atmosphere. (English | French)

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Kambo, Frog Spirit of the Shaman

By Marcelo Bolshaw Gomes, Entheogene. Rare frogs are drawing a lot of scientific interest these days, partly because the slimes of some frogs contain important medicinal substances.

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Biopiracy Leaves Native Groups Out in the Cold | Cazadores de la medicina perdida

By Humberto Márquez, IPS. Traditional Yanomami Indian medicine discovered that some fungi at the top of Venezuela’s mountains can cure many serious illnesses. These fungi will soon be a new source of the anti-cancer drug Taxol that makes $1.6 billion a year for Bristol Myers Squibb. (English | Spanish)

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Forest-Dependent Communities Lobby for End of REDD+

By Kristin Palitza, IPS. DURBAN, South Africa – The UN program to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+) has been touted as a global scheme to conserve forests but is just a way to pour a lot of money into forests so international investors make big profits.

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Harm Not those Strangers that Pollinate

By Morgan Kelly, Seed Daily | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Invasive non-native species, such as rodents who pollinate plants, can become essential to ecosystems, according to a discovery that could change how scientists and governments approach the restoration of natural spaces.

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