Haitian Senate Resolution: UN Soldiers Accused of Rape Should Be Tried In Place | Le Sénat vote une résolution réclamant que des soldats de l’ONU accusés de crimes soient jugés en Haïti

By staff, AHP | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The Haitian Senate has strongly condemned the latest rape of a boy on Jan 20, 2012 by Pakistani UN soldiers and noted that in such cases it is the law of the place where the crime is committed that should prevail. (English | French)

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U.N. Tightens Belt: No More Cruise Ship Hotels | La ONU se ajusta el cinturón : No mas barcos de crucero

By Thalif Deen, IPS. Compared to the $5.4 B U.N. budget for 2010-11, the 2012-13 budget will be cut by $260 M. This is a cut of less than 5%, but the news are still significant because, since its inception over 50 years ago, the U.N. has expanded every year, except for one instance 14 years ago. (English | Spanish)

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Biopiracy Leaves Native Groups Out in the Cold | Cazadores de la medicina perdida

By Humberto Márquez, IPS. Traditional Yanomami Indian medicine discovered that some fungi at the top of Venezuela’s mountains can cure many serious illnesses. These fungi will soon be a new source of the anti-cancer drug Taxol that makes $1.6 billion a year for Bristol Myers Squibb. (English | Spanish)

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Favela Rocinha Occupation by Haiti-Trained Troops, Photo Essay

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery (text) | Marcelo Sayao (photos). The attack on Brazil’s Rocinha slum illustrates a peacetime merger of military with police to make war on their country’s poor. If your country has contributed troops to UN (de)stabilization missions, sit up and take notice.

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MINUSTAH’s Gang Rapes | Nouveau cas de viol collectif de la MINUSTAH | Las violaciones colectivas de la MINUSTAH | Estupros Coletivos da MINUSTAH

By Michaëlle Desrosiers and Franck Seguy, A l’Encontre | Translated by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery | Translated by Diaro Octubre. MINUSTAH almost exclusively attacks those who are most despised, humbled, and impoverished. (English | French | Spanish | Portuguese)

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Dady Chery’s Top 10 Reasons Why MINUSTAH Should Go | Les 10 premières raisons pour lesquelles la MINUSTAH devrait partir | Las 10 primeras razones para qué la MINUSTAH deba irse | Lista dos dez principais motivos pelos quais a MINUSTAH deveria ir-se

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery (English, French) | Spanish translation by Fernando Moyano | Portuguese translation by Murilo Otávio Rodrigues Paes Leme. MINUSTAH’s worst crime so far is killing over 8,000 Haitians with cholera. It is a degraded, degrading, and unwanted occupation force that must go. (English | French | Spanish | Portuguese)

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Wikileaked U.S. Cables Paint Portrait of Brutal, Ineffectual and Polluting U.N. Force in Haiti

By Dan Coughlin, Haiti Liberté. The United Nations forces that occupy Haiti are poorly trained. They have spied on student groups, impaired elections, and recklessly shot, killed and wounded hundreds of civilians.

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The Truth About Haiti’s Cholera Epidemic: Interview of Dr. Renaud Piarroux by Dady Chery

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Dr. Renaud Piarroux led a team including Haitian epidemiologists that tracked Haiti’s cholera to the Nepalese MINUSTAH base in October 2010 (English | French).

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Why It Took Eleven Months Instead of Three Weeks to Show that Haiti’s Cholera Is Nepalese | Onze mois au lieu de trois semaines pour montrer que le choléra en Haïti provient du Népal

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. It took nearly a year to provide conclusive scientific proof that Haiti’s cholera came from Nepal because, despite an epidemiological link of the disease to a UN base full of Nepalese troops, scientists had not bothered to compare the cholera from Haiti to cholera from Nepal. (English | French)

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By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery | Spanish translation by Fernando Moyano | Portuguese translation by Murilo Otavio Rodrigues Paes Leme. This article was first published in Aug 2011 when newly sworn Brazilian Defense Minister Celso Amorim said he wanted to conclude Brazil’s participation in the notorious United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). (English | French | Spanish | Portuguese)

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Dutch Court Opens Door to Legal Accountability for Peacekeepers

By Thalif Deen, IPS | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. A landmark ruling by a Dutch court in July 2011 holding the Netherlands government liable for the failings of its soldiers on a U.N. peacekeeping mission may be used as a precedent for criminal liability involving sexual violence, according to human rights groups.

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Genocide in Haiti: Carelessness or Malice?

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The United Nations and 42 non-governmental organizations (NGO) are asking to be paid about $600 for every Haitian to be contaminated with cholera. There is money in cholera.

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