Haiti-Bound Cholera Vaccine ‘Absolutely Useless’ According to Bangladesh Field Trial | Le vaccin pour Haïti contre le choléra est ‘absolument inutile,’ d’après un essai au Bangladesh

By Dr. Rashid Haider, The Independent | Ahmed Sadiq, News from Bangladesh | Translated by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery. Incidents of scientific fraud have reached a record high, and one area that requires careful scrutiny is vaccine trials in far-away developing countries. A detailed report of Bangladesh’s 2011 field trials, for the Shanchol vaccine being pushed on Haiti, thoroughly disproves claims made about this vaccine. (English | French)

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Caracol Haiti Industrial Park With Projected Adverse Environmental Impact | Caracol, un parc industriel d’Haïti Parc qui aurait un impact environnemental négatif

By Staff, Haiti Grassroots Watch. Part 6 of 7. The same week over 300 agricultural plots in Caracol, Haiti, were unexpectedly destroyed, the Haitian government signed an agreement with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, IDB, and Korean textile giant Sae-A Trading to convert the lands into an industrial park. This park will dump its wastes into a bay with extensive coraf reefs and one of the country’s last mangrove forests. (English | French)

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Sweatshops: Stepping Stone or Dead End? | Tremplin ou cul-de-sac?

By Staff, Haiti Grassroots Watch. Part 5 of 7. Are low-wage, low-skilled assembly industries in Haiti really a “stepping stone” to more complex industrial development? In the Mexican maquiladora boom areas, the water table is dropping by 1 to 1.5 meters every year due to intensive use of water; the blue dye run-off from jeans pollutes rivers and irrigation ditches; 67% of homes have dirt floors, and 52% of streets are unpaved. (English | French)

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Favela Rocinha Occupation by Haiti-Trained Troops, Photo Essay

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery (text) | Marcelo Sayao (photos). The attack on Brazil’s Rocinha slum illustrates a peacetime merger of military with police to make war on their country’s poor. If your country has contributed troops to UN (de)stabilization missions, sit up and take notice.

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The G-20 Meeting

By Fidel Castro Ruz, CubaDebate via Granma. Those countries are attempting to monopolize technologies and markets by means of patents, banks, the most modern and costly forms of transportation, cybernetic domination of complex productive processes, and the control of communications and the mass media, in order to deceive the world.

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Dady Chery’s Top 10 Reasons Why MINUSTAH Should Go | Les 10 premières raisons pour lesquelles la MINUSTAH devrait partir | Las 10 primeras razones para qué la MINUSTAH deba irse | Lista dos dez principais motivos pelos quais a MINUSTAH deveria ir-se

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery (English, French) | Spanish translation by Fernando Moyano | Portuguese translation by Murilo Otávio Rodrigues Paes Leme. MINUSTAH’s worst crime so far is killing over 8,000 Haitians with cholera. It is a degraded, degrading, and unwanted occupation force that must go. (English | French | Spanish | Portuguese)

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Deep Sea Fishing is ‘Unsustainable’; Efforts Should Concentrate on ‘Productive Local Waters’

By FIS/MP, MercoPress. A team of marine scientists urge an end to most commercial fishing in the deep sea and instead recommend fishing in more productive and local waters. The only question is: whose productive local waters.

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By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery | Spanish translation by Fernando Moyano | Portuguese translation by Murilo Otavio Rodrigues Paes Leme. This article was first published in Aug 2011 when newly sworn Brazilian Defense Minister Celso Amorim said he wanted to conclude Brazil’s participation in the notorious United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). (English | French | Spanish | Portuguese)

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The Humanitarian Myth

By Richard Seymour, Socialist Worker. Within days of Haiti suffering an earthquake registering 7.0 on the Richter scale, the U.S. government had sent thousands of 82nd Airborne troops and Marines, alongside the super-carrier USS Carl Vinson. “We are there for the long term.” – Alejandro Wolff, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

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