Chilean Farmers Fight Brazilian Billionaire’s Plans for Thermoelectric Plant In Area of Rich Marine Biodiversity

By Marianela Jarroud, IPS, Tierramerica | Haiti Chery. Plans to build the Castilla Thermoelectric Project, near an area of rich marine biodiversity has sparked fierce opposition from the Chilean farming town of Totoral, which has scored its first victory in court. Behind the Castilla project is the energy company MPX, a subsidiary of the EPX Group owned by Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista.

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Amplified Acceleration of Ice Loss from Antarctica to the Sea

PRESS RELEASE, UT Austin Institute for Geophysics. A study of nearly 40 years of satellite imagery has revealed that the floating ice shelves of a critical portion of West Antarctica are steadily losing their grip on adjacent bay walls, amplifying an already accelerating loss of ice to the sea.

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Rapid Changes to Global Water Cycle Imply Severer Floods, Droughts, Famines

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. An article by Paul Durak and colleagues in the Journal Science represents yet more confirmation that the effects of global warming are stronger than anticipated from scientific models. An intensification of water evaporation and precipitation over the Earth implies severe consequences for living things, including famines, floods, droughts, and general climate instability.

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New Religion of Kopimism Promotes ‘Exchange Without Beginning and Without End’

By Muriel Kane, Raw Story | Interview of Isak Gerson with Alison George | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. “Life as we know it originated with the DNA molecule’s ability to duplicate itself, irrespective of the original creation of the Universe.… Copying is fundamental to life and runs constantly all around us…. ‘From all at one and from one to all – and then back – exchange without beginning and without end.'”

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New Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Sundarbans for Freshwater Dolphins

By Staff, SPX via Terra Daily | Staff, Wildlife Conservation Society. The Government of Bangladesh recently declared three new wildlife sanctuaries for endangered freshwater dolphins in the world’s largest mangrove ecosystem – the Sundarbans. In 2009 these areas were discovered to harbor thousands of freshwater dolphins, when only a few hundreds were thought to remain in the entire world.

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Piarroux: Haiti Epidemic Could Be Gone in Months, Vaccination Target St Marc Has No Cholera | Interview du Dr Renaud Piarroux sur le choléra d’Haiti avec Priorité Santé

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery (English) | Renaud Piarroux and Claire Hedon, Priorite Sante (French). Contrary to the daily predictions of mayhem from the mainstream press about Haiti’s cholera epidemic, Dr. Renaud Piarroux, who has access to up-to-date medical information and laboratory results about the epidemic, says that cholera could be completely eradicated from Haiti in a few months, but not by the oral vaccination campaign promoted by Haiti’s Ministry of Public Health and Population. (English | French)

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In PIH Oral Cholera Vaccine Trial, Rights of Haitians Should be Respected

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. A medical trial in Haiti — presumably of the oral cholera vaccine Shanchol — on poor women and children is being presented as a vaccination campaign. To avoid possible abuse it is essential that the Declaration of Helsinki guidelines be followed.

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Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects | Principes éthiques applicables à la recherche médicale impliquant des êtres humains

By the World Medical Association. Guidelines for all research on humans include a requirement to inform potential human subjects of their right to abstain or withdraw consent at any time. Potential subjects must be informed of the purpose, methods, funding sources, conflicts of interest and benefits of the research, as well as the risks of possible side effects. The guidelines also require researchers and their publishers to supply complete and accurate information on their findings, including negative results. (English | French)

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Industrial Fertilizer Responsible for Climate Changing Nitrous Oxide Levels

By Robert Sanders, UC Berkeley Press Release | CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research | Haiti Chery. Scientists from the U.S., Australia and New Zealand have discovered that a steep rise in atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) since the mid-1970’s is due to the increased use of industrial fertilizers. Nitrous oxide damages the UV-protective ozone layer in the stratosphere and contributes to climate change as a potent greenhouse gas that causes global warming.

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Abuse of Antibiotics in Agroindustry Generates Deadly Drug-Resistant Bacteria | Antibióticos en la agroindustria generan bacterias resistentes

By Julio Godoy, IPS | You Tube | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Five prematurely born children died in Bremen, Germany, from infections acquired in a hospital. The infections involved highly antibiotic-resistant bacteria in poultry. (English | Spanish)

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1,280 UN Personnel Brought to Haiti After Their Exposure to Nepal Cholera

By Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The epidemiological information about Haiti’s cholera outbreak is brought together with up-to-date molecular biology evidence, in an article by Dr. Renaud Piarroux and his colleagues, to make an ironclad scientific case about a United Nations (UN) MINUSTAH Nepalese base being the source of Haiti’s cholera contamination. The epidemic is attributed directly to the inadequate medical surveillance of 1,280 UN personnel who were taken to Nepal to train during an epidemic and the unsanitary practices at the base to which they came, upriver from the towns of St. Marc and Mirebalais, Haiti.

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Poison Seeds, Herbicides, Pushed Again on Haitian Farmers | Des semences empoisonnées et des herbicides encore forcées sur les paysans haïtiens

By Edner Son Décime, AlterPresse | Benjamin Fernandez, Le Monde Diplomatique | Marie-Monique Robin, YouTube | Commentary and translation by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Monsanto hybrid and genetically modified (GMO) seeds are once again being pushed as aid. Together with expensive fertilizers, and harmful pesticides, and noxious herbicides, these seeds represent a project to convert Haitian farmers from producers into helpers. (English | French)

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Tunisian Pirate Party Inaugurated

By Monia Ghanmi, Magharebia | Nate Anderson Ars Technica | Haiti Chery. Tunisian bloggers have formed the first anti-censorship political party in Africa and the Arab world: the Tunisian Pirate Party. “The ideology of this party is freedom and use of the internet as infrastructure and democracy, because free Internet is an indicator of democratic nations.” – Slim Amamou

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