Abuse of Antibiotics in Agroindustry Generates Deadly Drug-Resistant Bacteria | Antibióticos en la agroindustria generan bacterias resistentes

By Julio Godoy, IPS | You Tube | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. Five prematurely born children died in Bremen, Germany, from infections acquired in a hospital. The infections involved highly antibiotic-resistant bacteria in poultry. (English | Spanish)

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Argentina Remembers Children Stolen During Dictatorship: Trial Finally Under Way | Memorias de la dictadura argentina: las pruebas sobre el robo de bebés

By Marcela Valente, IPS | Staff, Cuba Debate. The Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo are finally getting heard in court after 35 years of demanding their stolen grandchildren. Eight former officials of the brutal Argentinian dictatorship that began on March 24, 1976 and lasted 7 years, are accused of “taking, retaining, hiding and changing the identities of” 34 children born to political prisoners held in clandestine prisons during the dictatorship. UPDATE on Mar 27th: Closing arguments. (English | Spanish)

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Ugandans Fight U.S. Export of Virulent Anti-Homosexual Hatred | Murders of Iraqi LGBT | Ugandeses Luchan contra la exportación de EE.UU. del virulento odio contra los homosexuales

By Charundi Panagoda and Jim Lobe, IPS | Karlos Zurutuza, IPS. The U.S. civil rights group Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) has filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of the Sexual Minorities of Uganda (SMUG) against a U.S. right-wing evangelist leader for inciting hatred against homosexuals in Uganda that has led to the murder of activist David Kato and other kinds of violence. Meanwhile, dozens of bodies of murdered gays and lesbians are appearing in Baghdad’s streets, and over 720 LGBT persons have been killed in Iraq in the past 6 years. A rhetoric of likening gays to satanists is associated with the violence in both Uganda and Iraq. (English | Spanish)

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Brazilians Push to Prosecute Military Junta’s Human Rights Crimes, Pushed Back by Judge | Crece movimiento jurídico para burlar ley de amnistía en Brasil | Cresce movimento jurídico para evitar a lei de anistia no Brasil

By Fabiana Frayssinet, IPS | Colin M. Snider, Americas South and North. In the first serious move by Brazil to confront the horrors of its junta years, Transitional Justice plans to prosecute the forced disappearances during the 1964-1985 dictatorship. Brazilian federal prosecutors announced they would first try retired Col. Sebastião Curió Rodrigues de Moura for aggravated kidnapping for his alleged role in five enforced disappearances in Pará state in 1974. (English | Spanish | Portuguese)

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Land, Water and Resistance | La tierra, el agua y la resistencia

By Raúl Zibechi, La Jornada | English translation by Chiapas Support Committee. What is happening in Latin America in relation to water, land, and biodiversity is something more than a succession of local conflicts. The struggle for the commons is at the top of the agenda in the entire region. (English | Spanish)

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Brazil Construction Boom Eases Integration of Haitians | Megaobras facilitan inserción de haitianos

By Mario Osava, IPS. There are nearly 700 Haitians in Porto Velho, a Brazilian city of 436,000. The Santo Antonio hydroelectric plant has hired 100 Haitians to work in construction of a dam. Odebrecht has hired 42 Haitians to help build Teles Pires, another hydroelectric dam 800 km east of Porto Velho; 40 to work on a shipyard building submarines in Itaguaí near Rio de Janeiro, and 22 for a sugar plant in the central state of Goiás. (English | Spanish)

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Garzon Cleared of Remaining Charges By Spanish Supreme Court | El Supremo considera que Garzón erró, pero no prevaricó, y lo absuelve

By Joseph Yoldi and Julio M. Lazaro, El Pais | Translated from the Spanish by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. By a vote of 6 to 1, Spain’s Supreme Court acquitted ex-Judge Baltasar Garzon of the charge of overstepping his jurisdiction while trying to open an investigation into Franco-era fascist crimes. The court held, however, that Garzon had misinterpreted the Spanish amnesty law as being like those of South America. Another case against Garzon, alleging his corruption was dismissed. The decision to disbar him remains in effect. (English | Spanish)

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Globally Threatened Seabird Found Nesting in La Selle Mountains, Haiti: First Ever Chick Photos, Video | Las primeras imágenes captadas de un pichón dan esperanza a un ave marina amenazada del Caribe

By Staff, Bird Life International | Groupo Jaragua | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The Black-capped Petrel is a Globally Threatened bird species with a population estimated at 1,000 breeding pairs. With support from Cornell’s Laboratory of Ornithology, a Haitian-Dominican field team found several individuals in Haiti’s Massif de la Selle. (English | Spanish)

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Western Biologists Study Tuna Collapse as Their Countries’ Fleets Pillage World Coasts | Pesca de atún requiere sacrificios a corto plazo

Julio Godoy, IPS, Tierramérica | Enrique Gili, IPS | Commentary by Dady Chery, Haiti Chery. The world’s tuna populations, and particularly bluefin tuna, are being overfished to extinction. Despite numerous violations for overfishing, vessels fly flags of convenience, change their names, swap crews and continue to operate. (English | Spanish)

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A Revolution for Women | Revolución de Mujeres

By Tortilla con Sal | Jade (music). The following video gives a snapshot of the many different Nicaraguan women who are rebuilding their country, in concert with the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN), led by Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo. (Spanish | English subtitles)

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U.N. Tightens Belt: No More Cruise Ship Hotels | La ONU se ajusta el cinturón : No mas barcos de crucero

By Thalif Deen, IPS. Compared to the $5.4 B U.N. budget for 2010-11, the 2012-13 budget will be cut by $260 M. This is a cut of less than 5%, but the news are still significant because, since its inception over 50 years ago, the U.N. has expanded every year, except for one instance 14 years ago. (English | Spanish)

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Former Guatemalan Dictator Rios Montt to Stand Trial for Genocide

By Danilo Valladares, IPS. A Guatemalan court has ordered former dictator Efrain Rios Montt to stand trial for genocide and crimes against humanity. If convicted, he faces 30 years in prison. Hopefully the members of the army who perpetrated the crimes will also be brought to justice. (English | Spanish)

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EU Projects Environmentally, Socially Unsound | Ajustar y vigilar mejor los proyectos de la UE

By Bari Bates, IPS. Dozens of European Union-funded projects across several European countries are ‘environmentally or socially unsound’, according to an interactive map created by a joint effort between CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe. Evidently, the EU has now turned on European protected habitats. In Haiti, for example, the EU has funded the Caracol Industrial Park.

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Haiti to Observe ALBA Summit in Venezuela | El presidente de Haití irá como observador a la cumbre de la ALBA

By staff, Prensa Latina. Haiti will attend a Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of the Americas (ALBA), to be held in Caracas on Sunday February 5th, merely as an observer country, contrary to earlier expectations that Haiti would join the organization. (English | Spanish)

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